League of European Research Universities

24 leading universities pushing the frontiers of innovative research

The LERU network

The League of European Research Universities (LERU) is a prominent advocate for the promotion of basic research at European research universities. We strongly believe that frontier research plays an essential role in the innovation process and significantly contributes to the progress of society.

We aim at furthering politicians’, policy makers’ and opinion leaders’ understanding of the important role and activities of research-intensive universities. Our 24 members bring together representatives to work on LERU policy development and engage in mutual learning in many areas.

To pursue its goals effectively, LERU also maintains contacts with institutions around the world that contribute to science policy making and research funding, including, among others, our European and global partner networks CE7 and GCRIUN.

Featured publications

LERU publishes its views on research and higher education in several types of publications, including high-level policy statements, in-depth analyses and concrete recommendations for policymakers, universities, researchers and other stakeholders.