23 Sep 2019

Launch Event: paper on Advanced Therapies Medicinal Products in University Medical Centres

On 23 September 2019, the League of European Research Universities (LERU) will present its new briefing paper, entitled "Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products (ATMPs): The Challenges and Opportunities for University Medical Centres”.

Universities play an important role in the development of ATMPs, which are innovative and complex medicines that can be used to treat a variety of diseases. The role of universities in the development could be improved if several challenges were to be addressed. In this briefing paper, LERU suggests several actions for improving the development of ATMPs in University Medical Centres and enhancing patient access to this innovative group of medicinal products. The paper highlights how University Medical Centres and industry have complementary roles and suggests ways in which these roles can be strengthened to improve the development of new therapeutic options and patient access to these important medicinal products.



Registration and welcome with drinks & snacks


Introduction by Kurt Deketelaere, Secretary General LERU, and Pancras Hogendoorn, Leiden University Medical Center and chair of the LERU Biomedicine and Life Sciences Group


ATMP Introduction by Mike Scott, Advent Bioservices, ex. University of Cambridge


Presentation of the findings of the paper by Pauline Meij, LUMC and Maeve Lowery, Trinity College Dublin


Panel Discussion, moderated by Pauline Meij and Maeve Lowery

  • Hans Ovelgönne, Committee for Advanced Therapies, plus Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board
  • Jacquelyn Awigena-Cook, vice-chair of the EBE-EFPIA ATMP working group
  • Josep M. Canals, Universitat de Barcelona


Final Comments by Pancras Hogendoorn



Practical details

Date: Monday 23 September 2019
Time: 15.30 – 17.30
Venue:  Hotel Pullman Brussels Centre Midi - Place Victor Horta 1, 1060 Brussels (see Map)
Seminar fee: Free entrance