09 Aug 2021 - 13 Aug 2021

LERU summer school 2021

From the 9th until the 13th of August, the LERU summer school 2021 will be hosted by Trinity College Dublin as an online event. During this week, doctoral candidates from LERU member universities will focus on the role of Doctoral Research and Researchers in Promoting the Importance of the ‘Expert’ in Europe.

We will explore both the current and emerging threats to the role and value of the expert in Europe, and the ways in which researchers, and especially early-stage researchers can respond to this. How, in other words, can the next generation of researchers reclaim the role of the expert and convince people (including the suspicious and the cynical) as to the value of expertise and thus of research and researchers?

The event will provide doctoral researchers with unique professional and personal development opportunities, beyond those to which they are generally exposed in the course of their doctoral studies. Over the course of the Summer School, participants will develop and submit a position paper on the Expert and Research.

Programme highlights

Each morning starts with a 2-hour keynote session on a range of themes related to the role of the expert, led by internationally distinguished speakers, and incorporating an interactive discussion facilitated by a session host.


  • “Are Experts Important?”
  • “Are Populism and Anti-intellectualism Connected?”
  • “Anti-Intellectualism and Science: From Vaccinations to Climate Change”
  • “Doctoral Students, Early Career Researchers and the Experts of the Future”

More information

For more information, go to www.lerusummerschool.org.