Open Science Ambassadors

An Ad Hoc Group on Open Science (AHG on OS) has been set up in 2019 with as remit the implementation of the LERU Open Science Roadmap. The activities resulted in the formulation of the report ‘Implementing Open Science. The AHG on OS stood down end of 2020, and handed over the baton to the LERU Ad Hoc Group ‘Open Science Ambassadors’ (AHG OSA). The focus of the implementation process thereby moved to the local institutions. The Open Science Ambassadors are the way to take this forward, providing institutional leadership for Open Science and working with the LERU policy groups involved.

The main role of the Open Science Ambassador of a LERU university is envisaged as leadership at university level in the implementation of the reports’ recommendations for all 8 pillars of Open Science, as defined by the European Commission. The OS Ambassador acts as an advocate for Open Science at all levels in the university and a trusted advisor, who takes care of the concerns of the academic community - researchers, staff, students, policy - in the university, considering the difference between the disciplines and urging for flexibility since one size does not fit all.

The Ad Hoc Group Open Science Ambassadors (AHG OSA), gathers the OS Ambassadors of the LERU institutions and is to act as a focus / forum

  • to take stock of the status of actions and initiatives by the LERU members (progress and challenges),
  • for the exchange of ideas and identification of best practices - drawing on the detailed knowledge and insight of LERU policy and thematic groups,
  • for collaboration between LERU members to identify possible ways forward - which they are free to choose or otherwise,
  • to address new themes that rise (e.g., cross policy group themes) and which require new policy. During the development of the new policy, OSA subgroups work jointly with the LERU policy groups, drawing on their detailed knowledge and insight.