Double investment in research, innovation and education to boost Europe's competitiveness and sustainability


Today, upon the initiative of LERU, 13 European associations of universities release a statement in which they call upon the EU institutions to double the investment in research, innovation and education, in the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF 2021-2027). 

We fully support what EC President Juncker said last week Wednesday in the European Parliament on the funding of Horizon 2020 and FP9: double the present 80 billion euro to 160 billion euro.

Nous consacrons, Mesdames et Messieurs, actuellement 80 milliards* d'euros à ce programme, celui dont je viens de parler. Si nous décidions de faire passer ce montant à 120 milliards* dans le prochain cadre financier, cela permettrait, d'ici 2040, de créer 420 000 emplois supplémentaires et d'accroître le PIB de 0,3%. Si nous allions – je rêve – jusqu'à 160 milliards, cela se traduirait par la création de 650 000 emplois d'ici 2040 et par un accroissement du PIB de 0,5%. Si nous le faisions – en fait, je crois que nous devrions le faire – l'Union européenne deviendra l'un des principaux acteurs mondiaux dans les domaines de la recherche et de l'innovation.

This statement is a first initiative of the university associations in the run up to the publication (and the approval later on) of the draft MFF and the draft programs on research, innovation and education in May/June 2018. More joint actions will follow, since a united university front will be crucial in order to achieve a satisfying outcome for universities.

The 13 associations are: CESAER, CLUSTER, Coïmbra Group, EARMA, EASSH, ECIU, EUA, The Guild, IDEA League, LERU, SEFI, UNICA and YERUN.

Read the statement



Prof. Kurt Deketelaere, LERU Secretary-General,  or +32 499 80 89 99 Laura Keustermans, Senior Policy Officer,  or +32 476 97 73 04 Media contact: Bart Valkenaers, Policy Officer,  or +32 498 08 43 49