Governance in the age of complexity: building resilience to COVID-19 and future pandemics


On 23 March 2021, the Geneva Science-Policy Interface (GSPI) launched their policy brief on "Governance in the age of complexity: building resilience to COVID-19 and future pandemics". As partner of the GSPI, LERU fully supports the brief.

The policy brief aims to promote a holistic mindset about the COVID-19 pandemic by applying a complexity lens to understand its drivers, nature, and impact, proposing actions to build resilient societies to pandemics and deriving principles to govern complex systemic crises. Building resilience to prevent, react to, and recover from systemic shocks need to become a core element of how societies are governed. This requires an integrated approach between health, social, economic, environmental, and institutional systems. The brief has been developed by a team of researchers coming from both the natural and social sciences. Reviewed by a group of policy actors, the brief aims to foster a dialogue between academic institutions and policymakers.

On 25 March, the GSPI will organise an online launch event. Dr. Didier Wernli, Senior Researcher at the Global Studies Institute of the University of Geneva and lead author, will take the stage as the keynote speaker to present the main findings of the paper. LERU Board Member and Rector of the University of Geneva, Prof. Yves Flückiger, will give the opening remarks. Find out more about the launch event.

Read the policy brief