Simone Buitendijk appointed Vice-Rector Magnificus Leiden University


Professor Simone Buitendijk has been appointed Vice-Rector Magnificus and member of the Executive Board of Leiden University with effect from 1 September 2011. Buitendijk succeeds Professor Rietje van Dam-Mieras.

Simone Buitendijk (1958) is currently Professor of Preventive Healthcare for Children at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). She is also head of the Child Health Programme at TNO Institute for Applied Scientific Research in Leiden where she heads a group of 40 researchers. In addition she is Professor of Primary Care Obstetrics and Integrated Care at the Faculty of Medicine of the AMC-UvA.

The Board of Governors of Leiden University is delighted with the appointment of Buitendijk, whose portfolio will include Education and Human Resource Management. 'Professor Buitendijk is an excellent scholar who has exhibited the ability to give inspiring leadership to major research groups in Leiden and Amsterdam. With her experience and insights she will make an important contribution to furthering the position of our university as one of Europe's leading academic institutions and as an attractive institute for students and staff.'

Simone Buitendijk studied Medicine in Utrecht. She obtained her PhD in Leiden and a Master's at Yale. She then began her work on perinatal medicine. She currently holds the first chair for primary care obstetrics in the Netherlands. Buitendijk lives in Leiden.

The Board of Governors is confident that, given Buitendijk's background and expertise, her appointment will provide an excellent balance within the Executive Board. The other two members of the Executive Board are Professor Paul van der Heijden, President and Rector Magnificus, and Willem te Beest, BSc, Vice President.

© Universiteit Leiden
7 April 2011

Simone Buitendijk Leiden