University Autonomy threatened by EU Data Policy?


The League of European Research Universities (LERU) organises its yearly New Year’s Debate on Thursday 27 January 2022. Unfortunately, due to the current corona situation, an in-person event is not possible. Therefore, this event will be held online.

Platform companies have become a driving force in the design of public universities’ learning and teaching environments. They offer digital technologies which higher education institutions have become increasingly dependent upon, but on which they have no influence, resulting in user- and vendor-lock-in. How can universities prevent this? How can they make sure dominant platform companies cease to define the learning and teaching environments of universities in this way? What is the impact of data-related legislation on the activities of research-intensive universities?

Early December, LERU published a statement with a number of basic principles for dealing with data addressing all stakeholders involved. This event will be an excellent opportunity to discuss these principles further.

We are delighted that the following speakers have already confirmed their attendance:

  • Prof. Dr. Karen Maex, Rector Magnificus, University of Amsterdam and Chair of LERU
  • Dr Paul Ayris, Pro-Vice-Provost, University College London
  • Ms Henna Virkkunen, MEP (Group of the European People's Party)
  • Mr Federico Milani, Head Data Policy & Innovation, DG Connect, European Commission
  • Prof. Dr. Karel Luyben, Chair, European Open Science Cloud
  • Prof. Dr. Bram Devolder, Faculty of Law, KU Leuven