Academic Health Centres in research-intensive settings in Europe

Klasen et al aim to substantiate the triple mission of the AHC and to show how the unique blend of patient care, research and education benefits health care and society in general. They first discuss the mission of the AHCS, which contains three points: firstly, the uniqueness of AHC, which comes forward in the way it combines within a single institution specialised patient care, education and training, and biomedical research and development. Secondly, medical innovation is a dynamic phenomenon. Finally, AHCs have an important economic impact on top of the activities they generate through patient care. Furthermore, they present a number of case studies. Klasen et al conclude that AHCs play a key role in the development of the healthcare of the future by providing an integrated environment for advanced clinical service, research and teaching. They emphasise the importance of both strong links between hospitals and comprehensive universities, and effective organisational structures. 

Year of publication:
Mar 2011
Type of paper:
Briefing paper
  • Eduard C. Klasen (Universiteit Leiden)
  • Stephen M. Davies (University of Cambridge)
  • Serge Uzan (Université Pierre & Marie Curie)
  • Louise J. Gunning-Schepers (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
  • Joost van Asten (LERU Office)