Clear choices for Europe: Smart investment in research and innovation

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In this paper, LERU delivers its recommendations to the EU about the development of the next EU framework for research and innovation. For LERU smart investment in research and innovation comes down to five key words, which underpin any future European research and innovation framework: excellence, balance, environment, capacity building and simplification. Throughout the paper, LERU composes recommendations for each key word.

The paper consists of two parts: the organisation’s official response to the EC green paper and the consultation “From challenges to opportunities: Towards a common strategic framework for research and innovation funding”.

Year of publication:
May 2011
Type of paper:
Advice paper
  • Michael Browne (University College London)
  • Alberto Mantovani (Università degli Studi di Milano)
  • David Price (University College London)
  • Iain Thomas (University of Cambridge)
  • Paul van Dun (KU Leuven)
  • Hans Melle van Dijk (Universiteit Utrecht)
  • Katrien Maes (LERU Office)