Implementing Open Science

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This LERU note examines the progress implementing Open Science in the academic community, and the opportunities and challenges that still lie ahead.

LERU has looked afresh at the eight pillars of Open Science as defined by the European Commission and examined them in detail from a university’s perspective. The note sets the baseline and possible courses of actions that universities can consider if they want to introduce Open Science change at a local level under one of the eight pillars.

Going forward, the focus of the implementation process has moved to the local institutions, considering the difference between the disciplines and urging for flexibility since one size does not fit all.  

The note introduces a new Ad Hoc Group Open Science Ambassadors to take this work forward. The OS Ambassadors provide institutional leadership for Open Science. They act as an advocate for Open Science at all levels in the university and as a trusted advisor, taking care of the concerns of the academic community - researchers, staff, students, policy makers.

Read the interview with the lead author Dr Paul Ayris.

Year of publication:
Jan 2021
Type of paper:
  • Paul Ayris (University College London)