LERU Data Statement

The LERU Data Statement is LERU’s way forward to tackle the increasing dependence on dominant platform companies. Platform companies have become a driving force in the design of public universities’ learning and teaching environments and define and steer universities’ digital architectures through hardware and software technologies. LERU is concerned that this leads to user- and vendor- lock-in.

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At the same time, major European data legislation affecting universities has to provide clarity to restore universities’ independence and to help them deliver on their role as keepers of a common culture of knowledge and an agent of new knowledge. LERU worries that universities in the EU are considered equal to market sectors. Universities should be recognised as having a distinct public value and be regarded as critical infrastructures in society.

Therefore LERU is putting forward a number of basic principles in this Data Statement for dealing with data, addressing all stakeholders involved: legislators, digital providers, individuals in universities, universities, and industry. The current position is untenable and drastic action needs to be taken, both practically and in legislation, to restore universities’ independence of action and to help them deliver on their goals in support of knowledge creation for the benefit of society.

Year of publication:
Dec 2021
Type of paper: