LERU takes concrete steps towards ERA

Dsc 0318

In 2012 the European Commission (EC) and LERU signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in which twelve areas of action came forward, for example women and research careers; doctoral training; and knowledge transfer. In 2014 LERU conducted a survey of LERU’s universities activities in these areas and found that some were areas of much activity and others need more encouragement. LERU and its universities regard the ERA MoU as a beneficial factor, because e.g. new insights and reflections were generated. LERU will keep encouraging its universities to take action and is willing to continue with the ERA partnership in the future. Nevertheless, it is important to note that on some issues universities cannot take the lead, e.g. regarding legal measures.

Year of publication:
Jan 2014
Type of paper:
Briefing paper
  • Katrien Maes (LERU Office)