LERU's Interim Evaluation of Horizon 2020

This paper is LERU’s contribution to Horizon 2020 Interim Evaluation. LERU analyses Horizon 2020 and proposes recommendations to improve it, focusing on a wide range of aspects such as funding division, open science and simplification.

LERU and its members remain staunch supporters of an active participants in Horizon 2020. 

Year of publication:
Oct 2016
Type of paper:
Advice paper
  • Stijn Delauré (KU Leuven)
  • Angela Noble (Universiteit Leiden)
  • Gill Wells (University of Oxford)
  • Laura Keustermans (LERU Office)
  • Alea López de San Román (LERU Office)
  • Katrien Maes (LERU Office)