Open letter from LERU regarding the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)

In this open letter, LERU responds to the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). As stated in LERU’s September 2010 open letter, the collaborative opportunities are welcomed; however, LERU re-affirms its September 2010 message of the importance of true equal partnership between collaborative communities. To improve the IMI, LERU proposes two recommendations.

LERU raises various pitfalls and requests that further consideration be given to these areas to provide a clear balance of rights and obligations among all collaborating participants and that IMI adopt financial and intellectual property rules, which will be largely consistent with Horizon 2020.

Year of publication:
Jun 2013
Type of paper:
Policy brief
  • Michael Browne (University College London)
  • Stijn Delauré (KU Leuven)
  • Anna Groeninx (Universiteit Leiden)
  • Carole Meads (Imperial College London)
  • Angela Noble (Univeristy of Edinburgh)
  • Pasi Sihvonen (University of Helsinki)