Resilient Europe in a globalised world

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Since Europe is constantly changing, the European Commission (EC) is advised to launch a ‘Flagship Initiative’ to better understand the place of Europe in the world as well as the legal, economic, political, social, linguistic and cultural fabric of Europe in which growth has to be achieved. LERU suggests calling the ‘Flagship Initiative’: Resilient Europe in a Globalised World.

This policy brief is divided into three parts. Firstly, LERU examines the different approaches and methods and proposes an integrated and multi-disciplinary SSH approach. Secondly, four interrelated specific and urgent themes are emphasised and discussed: Public Discourses & Media, Identities & Loyalties, Citizenship(s) and the Democratic Legitimacy, and The European Social Model. Lastly, LERU offers a possible organisation of the Flagship Initiative. 

Year of publication:
Mar 2013
Type of paper:
Policy brief