Tenure and tenure track at LERU universities: Models for attractive research careers in Europe

I Stock 482770126

The tenure-track programme is a fairly new concept in Europe, through which universities attract promising researchers and offer them attractive careers. Such programmes enable universities to e.g. compete for talent on a bigger scale. It is defined as a fixed-term contract (usually for three to six or more years) leading to a permanent position at a higher level if the candidate receives a positive evaluation. A large number of LERU universities already have such a tenure track in place (on a “up-or-out” premise), however, it is too early to assess the outcome: the universities are still adjusting to and fine-tuning the concept. The paper ends with a list of recommendations for universities, governments etc. and calls on them to support this growing concept. 

Year of publication:
Sept 2014
Type of paper:
Advice paper
  • Hans-Jochen Schiewer (University of Freiburg)
  • Christian Jehle (University of Freiburg)
  • Alexandra Bormann (University of Freiburg)
  • Alexis Heede (University of Freiburg)
  • Janna Müller (University of Freiburg)
  • Jan-Matthias Müller (University of Freiburg)
  • Karolin Schmidt (University of Freiburg)
  • Daniela Werth (University of Freiburg)
  • Katrien Maes (LERU Office)