The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: recommendations for Horizon 2020

LERU strongly supports the Marie Curie Actions (MCA) in Framework Programme 7 (FP7) and their continuation as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in Horizon 2020. Through this note LERU wants to highlight MCA’s key benefits and to propose some recommendations. For example LERU welcome the simplification of the MCA into four actions and voices its opinion regarding the suggestions made by the European Parliament. LERU also expresses its opinion regarding the current actions under FP7: while some things should not change, e.g. the Initial Training Networks, other should, e.g. the COFUND schemes. Furthermore, LERU beliefs that even though the MCA is well known and successful in FP7, it can always improve: for example by a better communication and marketing strategy. LERU also believes that the MCA could benefit from a closer link between the policy unit and the REA as well. LERU concludes by emphasising that MCA should remain one of the cornerstones of Horizon 2020 and encloses an annex, which includes a detailed description of issues and recommendations for MCA. 

Year of publication:
Jun 2013
Type of paper:
  • James Lloyd (Imperial College London)
  • Stijn Delauré (KU Leuven)
  • Angela Noble (Univeristy of Edinburgh)