LERU's Second Decade

This booklet tells the story of LERU’s second decade, recalling some of LERU’s major milestones, activities and accomplishments. As the title "Bigger and stronger; Respected and connected" suggests, we have built this story on four key words for LERU’s second decade: we have become bigger and stronger; we are widely respected and connected. In addition to the narrative, pictures and infographics, we have also tried to show in an up-close and personal way how the LERU community acts and interacts and what it means for people to be involved in LERU. At the end of each key word section, each of the past four Chairs reflects on his experience of being at the helm of LERU in the second decade. Each section also puts the spotlight on a few people who have been involved in LERU’s groups and activities. In a final section LERU’s current Chair, Prof. Karen Maex, Rector Magnificus of the University of Amsterdam (UVA), looks ahead at LERU’s third decade.

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Year of publication:
May 2022
  • Katrien Maes (LERU Office)