Universities and Innovation: the Challenge for Europe

The increasingly open and competitive global economy and the shift to high value production based on information and knowledge requires a strong and rapid response from Europe if it is not to fall behind economically, with profound consequences for its social and cultural dynamism. Higher education and research are vital ingredients in the European response to these challenges. However, if universities are to be more effective in supporting and catalysing innovation in Europe, action is required under three broad headings, which should also be the headline issues for the European Commission in their Broad-based innovation strategy for the EU: enhancing supply of relevant university capacity; stimulating business demand for skills and research/knowledge; and improving university-business interactions. LERU´s recommendations under these three headings are relevant to member states, to the European Commission and to universities.

Year of publication:
Nov 2006
Type of paper:
Position paper
  • Geoffrey Boulton (University of Edinburgh)
  • Douwe Breimer (Universiteit Leiden)
  • Jan Carlstedt-Duke (Karolinska Institutet)
  • Ian Leslie (University of Cambridge)
  • Marja Makarow (Helsingin Yliopisto)
  • Kari Raivio (LERU Office)
  • David Livesey (LERU Office)
  • Katrien Maes (LERU Office)